West Michigan College of Barbering and Beauty
At a Glance
School type
Private, for-profit, 2-year
School Size & Setting
Small | Urban
Religious affliation
Not applicable
General Information
West Michigan College of Barbering and Beauty
3200 South Westnedge Ave, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008
See on MapPhone
(269) 381-4424
westmichigancollegeofbarberingandbeauty.com/Mission Statement
West Michigan College of Barbering and Beauty seek to provide the beauty industry with hair designers (cosmetology, barbering, teachers, nail technicians) who are respected by their employers and their profession. 1. Promote cosmetology(cosmetology, barbering, teaching, nail technician) as a proud and prosperous profession. 2. Provide realistic exposure to the role of hair designer (cosmetology, teachers, nail technician, barbering). 3. Counsel and encourage students in a meaningful way. 4. Acquaint students with current technical and creative information available. 5. Fulfill all state board of cosmetology requirements. 6. Prepare students for state board exams. 7. Prepare each student to seek gainful employment.
Read Morecost & financial aid
Financial Aid: Undergraduates
Received financial aid
63%Type of aid | % of students receiving aid | Average amount |
Federal grants | 32.0% | $3,248 |
State/local grants | 0.0% | $0 |
Institutional grants | 0.0% | $0 |
Loans | 32.0% | $4,124 |
Financial aid resources
Find out what to know before you commit and ways to cover the costs, including financial aid, loans, grants and scholarships.
Applying for financial AidReview this step-by-step guide on everything you need to do to complete your application.
Application Fee
No informationStudent Life
Student Demographics
Female Students
49%Male Students
51%Student Ethnicities
- Black43.37%
- Caucasian30.12%
- Hispanic/Latino14.46%
- Two Or More Ethnicities8.44%
- Not Specified2.41%
- Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander1.2%
Student body breakdown
Total students enrolled
Undergraduate students
Full Time Students
21%Part Time Students
79%Student services
- Meal plan
- Counseling services
- Remedial services
- Work-study
- Placement services
- Study abroad
- Weekend/evening classes
- On-campus day care for student's children