Liberty University
At a Glance
School type
Private, not-for-profit, 4-year or above
School Size & Setting
Small | Urban
Students-to-Faculty Ratio
Religious affliation
Evangelical Christian
General Information
Liberty University
1971 University Blvd, Lynchburg, Virginia 24515
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(434) 582-2000
Website Statement
To develop Christ-centered men and women with the values, knowledge and skills essential to impact tomorrow's world. The mission is carried out for resident students through a rigorous academic program and structured social environment. It is carried out for external students in a comparable academic program but without the structure of the resident community.
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Annual tuition & fees
In state
$16,203Out of state
In state
$8,405Out of state
$8,405Financial Aid: Undergraduates
Received financial aid
98%Type of aid | % of students receiving aid | Average amount |
Federal grants | 29.0% | $6,930 |
State/local grants | 18.0% | $3,666 |
Institutional grants | 98.0% | $9,795 |
Loans | 53.0% | $7,676 |
Other Estimated Costs
$12,350 per year
Books & Supplies
$1,309 per year
Personal Expenses
$6,328 per year
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Most Popular Undergraduate majors
- Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other
- Business Administration and Management, General
- Psychology, General
- Religion/Religious Studies
- Criminal Justice/Safety Studies
Undergraduate Majors X
Biology/Biological Sciences, General
- A general program of biology at the introductory, basic level or a program in biology or the biological sciences that is undifferentiated as to title or content. Includes instruction in general biology and programs covering a variety of biological specializations. See other colleges that offer this major
Biomedical Sciences, General
- A general, program that focuses on the integrative scientific study of biological issues related to health and medicine, or a program in one or more of the biomedical sciences that is undifferentiated as to title. Includes instruction in any of the basic medical sciences at the research level; biological science research in biomedical faculties; and general studies encompassing a variety of the biomedical disciplines. See other colleges that offer this major
- A program that focuses on the scientific study of the chemistry of living systems, their fundamental chemical substances and reactions, and their chemical pathways and information transfer systems, with particular reference to carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Includes instruction in bio-organic chemistry, protein chemistry, bioanalytical chemistry, bioseparations, regulatory biochemistry, enzymology, hormonal chemistry, calorimetry, and research methods and equipment operation. See other colleges that offer this major
Zoology/Animal Biology
- A general program that focuses on the scientific study of the biology of animal species and phyla, with reference to their molecular and cellular systems, anatomy, physiology, and behavior. Includes instruction in molecular and cell biology, microbiology, anatomy and physiology, ecology and behavior, evolutionary biology, and applications to specific species and phyla. See other colleges that offer this major
Wildlife Biology
- A program that focuses on the application of biological principles to the study of vertebrate wildlife, wildlife habitats, and related ecosystems in remote and urban areas. Includes instruction in animal ecology; adaptational biology; urban ecosystems; natural and artificial habitat management; limnology; wildlife pathology; and vertebrate zoological specializations such as mammalogy, herpetology, ichthyology, ornithology, and others. See other colleges that offer this major
- A program that focuses on the application of the biological sciences, biochemistry, and genetics to the preparation of new and enhanced agricultural, environmental, clinical, and industrial products, including the commercial exploitation of microbes, plants, and animals. Includes instruction in bioinformatics, gene identification, phylogenetics and comparative genomics, bioinorganic chemistry, immunoassaying, DNA sequencing, xenotransplantation, genetic engineering, industrial microbiology, drug and biologic development, enzyme-based production processes, patent law, biotechnology management and marketing, applicable regulations, and biotechnology ethics. See other colleges that offer this major
Environmental Biology
- A program that focuses on the scientific study of the origins, functions, relationships, interactions, and natural history of living populations, communities, species, and ecosystems in relation to dynamic environmental processes. Includes instruction in biodiversity, molecular genetic and genomic evolution, mesoscale ecology, computational biology and modeling, conservation biology, local and global environmental change, and restoration ecology. See other colleges that offer this major
Business/Commerce, General
- A program that focuses on the general study of business, including the processes of interchanging goods and services (buying, selling and producing), business organization, and accounting as used in profit-making and nonprofit public and private institutions and agencies. The programs may prepare individuals to apply business principles and techniques in various occupational settings. See other colleges that offer this major
Business Administration and Management, General
- A program that generally prepares individuals to plan, organize, direct, and control the functions and processes of a firm or organization. Includes instruction in management theory, human resources management and behavior, accounting and other quantitative methods, purchasing and logistics, organization and production, marketing, and business decision-making. See other colleges that offer this major
- A program that prepares individuals to practice the profession of accounting and to perform related business functions. Includes instruction in accounting principles and theory, financial accounting, managerial accounting, cost accounting, budget control, tax accounting, legal aspects of accounting, auditing, reporting procedures, statement analysis, planning and consulting, business information systems, accounting research methods, professional standards and ethics, and applications to specific for-profit, public, and non-profit organizations. See other colleges that offer this major
Management Information Systems, General
- A program that generally prepares individuals to provide and manage data systems and related facilities for processing and retrieving internal business information; select systems and train personnel; and respond to external data requests. Includes instruction in cost and accounting information systems, management control systems, personnel information systems, data storage and security, business systems networking, report preparation, computer facilities and equipment operation and maintenance, operator supervision and training, and management information systems policy and planning. See other colleges that offer this major
Computer and Information Sciences, General
- A general program that focuses on computing, computer science, and information science and systems. Such programs are undifferentiated as to title and content and are not to be confused with specific programs in computer science, information science, or related support services. See other colleges that offer this major
Information Technology
- A program that focuses on the design of technological information systems, including computing systems, as solutions to business and research data and communications support needs. Includes instruction in the principles of computer hardware and software components, algorithms, databases, telecommunications, user tactics, application testing, and human interface design. See other colleges that offer this major
- A program that focuses on computer systems from a user-centered perspective and studies the structure, behavior and interactions of natural and artificial systems that store, process and communicate information. Includes instruction in information sciences, human computer interaction, information system analysis and design, telecommunications structure and information architecture and management. See other colleges that offer this major
Computer and Information Systems Security/Auditing/Information Assurance
- A program that prepares individuals to assess the security needs of computer and network systems, recommend safeguard solutions, and manage the implementation, auditing, and maintenance of security devices, systems, and procedures. Includes instruction in computer architecture, programming, and systems analysis; networking; telecommunications; cryptography; security system auditing and design; applicable law and regulations; risk assessment and policy analysis; contingency planning; user access issues; investigation techniques; and troubleshooting. See other colleges that offer this major
- Instructional programs that prepare individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills in the building, inspecting, and maintaining of structures and related properties. See other colleges that offer this major
Education, General
- A program that focuses on the general theory and practice of learning and teaching, the basic principles of educational psychology, the art of teaching, the planning and administration of educational activities, school safety and health issues, and the social foundations of education. See other colleges that offer this major
Special Education and Teaching, General
- A general program that focuses on the design and provision of teaching and other educational services to children or adults with special learning needs or disabilities, and that may prepare individuals to function as special education teachers in a collaborative or team environment. Includes instruction in diagnosing learning disabilities, developing individual education plans, teaching and supervising special education students, special education counseling, and applicable laws and policies. See other colleges that offer this major
Elementary Education and Teaching
- A program that prepares individuals to teach students in the elementary grades, which may include kindergarten through grade eight, depending on the school system or state regulations. Includes preparation to teach all elementary education subject matter. See other colleges that offer this major
Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching
- A program that prepares individuals to teach students in the middle, intermediate or junior high grades, which may include grades four through nine by regulation. See other colleges that offer this major
English/Language Arts Teacher Education
- A program that prepares individuals to teach English grammar, composition and literature programs at various educational levels. See other colleges that offer this major
Mathematics Teacher Education
- A program that prepares individuals to teach mathematics programs at various educational levels. See other colleges that offer this major
Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor
- A program that focuses on the principles and practice of teaching English to students who are not proficient in English or who do not speak, read or write English, and that may prepare individuals to function as teachers and administrators in such programs. See other colleges that offer this major
Education, Other
- Any instructional program in education not listed above. See other colleges that offer this major
Computer Engineering, General
- A program that generally prepares individuals to apply mathematical and scientific principles to the design, development and operational evaluation of computer hardware and software systems and related equipment and facilities; and the analysis of specific problems of computer applications to various tasks. See other colleges that offer this major
Computer Software Engineering
- A program that prepares individuals to apply scientific and mathematical principles to the design, analysis, verification, validation, implementation, and maintenance of computer software systems using a variety of computer languages. Includes instruction in discrete mathematics, probability and statistics, computer science, managerial science, and applications to complex computer systems. See other colleges that offer this major
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- A program that prepares individuals to apply mathematical and scientific principles to the design, development and operational evaluation of electrical and electronic systems and their components, including electrical power generation systems; and the analysis of problems such as superconductor, wave propagation, energy storage and retrieval, and reception and amplification. See other colleges that offer this major
Mechanical Engineering
- A program that prepares individuals to apply mathematical and scientific principles to the design, development and operational evaluation of physical systems used in manufacturing and end-product systems used for specific uses, including machine tools, jigs and other manufacturing equipment; stationary power units and appliances; engines; self-propelled vehicles; housings and containers; hydraulic and electric systems for controlling movement; and the integration of computers and remote control with operating systems. See other colleges that offer this major
Industrial Engineering
- A program that prepares individuals to apply scientific and mathematical principles to the design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of people, material, information, and energy. Includes instruction in applied mathematics, physical sciences, the social sciences, engineering analysis, systems design, computer applications, and forecasting and evaluation methodology. See other colleges that offer this major
English Language and Literature, General
- A general program that focuses on the English language, including its history, structure and related communications skills; and the literature and culture of English-speaking peoples. See other colleges that offer this major
Creative Writing
- A program that focuses on the process and techniques of original composition in various literary forms such as the short story, poetry, the novel, and others. Includes instruction in technical and editorial skills, criticism, and the marketing of finished manuscripts. See other colleges that offer this major
Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences, General
- A general program that focuses on family and consumer sciences, including how individuals develop and function in family, work, and community settings and how they relate to their physical, social, emotional, and intellectual environments. See other colleges that offer this major
Human Development and Family Studies, General
- A general program that focuses on basic human developmental and behavioral characteristics of the individual within the context of the family. Includes instruction in the conditions that influence human growth and development; strategies that promote growth and development across the life span; and the study of family systems. See other colleges that offer this major
Apparel and Textiles, General
- A general program that focuses on the development of textile products and their distribution and use in terms of the psychological, social, economic, and physical needs of consumers. Includes instruction in the production, distribution, marketing, and end use of various apparel and textile products. See other colleges that offer this major
Spanish Language and Literature
- A program that focuses on the Spanish language and related dialects. Includes instruction in philology; Modern Castillan; Latin American and regional Spanish dialects; and applications in business, science/technology, and other settings. See other colleges that offer this major
American Sign Language (ASL)
- A program that focuses on American Sign Language as a visual and motor medium of communication and discourse for deaf individuals and deaf culture. Includes instruction in the development of ASL, ASL morphology and syntax, signing technique, English translation of ASL, formal and colloquial ASL, and ASL transcription. See other colleges that offer this major
- Instructional programs that prepare individuals to practice as licensed professionals and assistants in the health care professions and related clinical sciences and administrative and support services. See other colleges that offer this major
Health/Health Care Administration/Management
- A program that prepares individuals to develop, plan, and manage health care operations and services within health care facilities and across health care systems. Includes instruction in planning, business management, financial management, public relations, human resources management, health care systems operation and management, health care resource allocation and policy making, health law and regulations, and applications to specific types of health care services. See other colleges that offer this major
Respiratory Care Therapy/Therapist
- A program that prepares individuals, under the supervision of physicians, to assist in developing respiratory care plans, administer respiratory care procedures, supervise personnel and equipment operation, maintain records, and consult with other health care team members. Includes instruction in the applied basic biomedical sciences; anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the respiratory system; clinical medicine; therapeutic procedures; clinical expressions; data collection and record-keeping; patient communication; equipment operation and maintenance; personnel supervision; and procedures for special population groups. See other colleges that offer this major
Athletic Training/Trainer
- A program that prepares individuals to work in consultation with, and under the supervision of physicians to prevent and treat sports injuries and associated conditions. Includes instruction in the identification, evaluation, and treatment of athletic injuries and illnesses; first aid and emergency care; therapeutic exercise; anatomy and physiology; exercise physiology; kinesiology and biomechanics; nutrition; sports psychology; personal and community health; knowledge of various sports and their biomechanical and physiological demands; and applicable professional standards and regulations. See other colleges that offer this major
Public Health Education and Promotion
- A program that focuses on the application of educational and communications principles and methods to the promotion of preventive health measures and the education of targeted populations on health issues, and prepares individuals to function as public health educators and health promotion specialists. Includes instruction in human development, health issues across the life span, population-specific health issues, principles and methods of public health education, administration of health education campaigns and programs, evaluation methods, public communications, and applications to specific public health subjects and issues. See other colleges that offer this major
Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse
- A program that generally prepares individuals in the knowledge, techniques and procedures for promoting health, providing care for sick, disabled, infirmed, or other individuals or groups. Includes instruction in the administration of medication and treatments, assisting a physician during treatments and examinations, Referring patients to physicians and other health care specialists, and planning education for health maintenance. See other colleges that offer this major
History, General
- A program that focuses on the general study and interpretation of the past, including the gathering, recording, synthesizing and criticizing of evidence and theories about past events. Includes instruction in historiography; historical research methods; studies of specific periods, issues and cultures; and applications to areas such as historic preservation, public policy, and records administration. See other colleges that offer this major
Military History
- A program that focuses on the study of the history of warfare and military institutions in their operational, politico-economic and socio-cultural contexts; including airpower history, naval history, and military history. Includes instruction in military organization, military operations, the history of technology, leadership and biography, military psychology and behavior, international relations and politics, economics, aspects of general and regional history, cultural history and anthropology, historiography, and applicable quantitative methods. See other colleges that offer this major
Criminal Justice/Safety Studies
- A program that focuses on the criminal justice system, its organizational components and processes, and its legal and public policy contexts. Includes instruction in criminal law and policy, police and correctional systems organization, the administration of justice and the judiciary, and public attitudes regarding criminal justice issues. See other colleges that offer this major
Fire Services Administration
- A program focusing on the principles, theory, and practices associated with the management of fire operations, firefighting services, and community fire issues. Includes instruction in fire protection history and theory, incident command leadership, administration of public fire organizations, labor relations, emergency medical services management, fire emergency response strategies and mitigation, legal and regulatory responsibilities, budgeting, public relations, and organizational leadership. See other colleges that offer this major
Forensic Science and Technology
- A program that focuses on the application of the physical, biomedical, and social sciences to the analysis and evaluation of physical evidence, human testimony and criminal suspects. Includes instruction in forensic medicine, forensic dentistry, anthropology, psychology, entomology, pathology, forensic laboratory technology and autopsy procedures, DNA and blood pattern analysis, crime scene analysis, crime scene photography, fingerprint technology, document analysis, witness and suspect examination procedures, applicable law and regulations, and professional standards and ethics. See other colleges that offer this major
Pre-Law Studies
- A program that prepares individuals for the professional study of law at the post-baccalaureate level. See other colleges that offer this major
Legal Assistant/Paralegal
- A program that prepares individuals to perform research, drafting, investigatory, record-keeping and related administrative functions under the supervision of an attorney or court. Includes instruction in legal research, drafting legal documents, appraising, pleading, courthouse procedures, and legal specializations. See other colleges that offer this major
Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies
- A program that is a structured combination of the arts, biological and physical sciences, social sciences, and humanities, emphasizing breadth of study. Includes instruction in independently designed, individualized, or regular programs. See other colleges that offer this major
Mathematics, General
- A general program that focuses on the analysis of quantities, magnitudes, forms, and their relationships, using symbolic logic and language. Includes instruction in algebra, calculus, functional analysis, geometry, number theory, logic, topology and other mathematical specializations. See other colleges that offer this major
Applied Mathematics, General
- A program that focuses on the application of mathematics to the solution of functional problems in fields such as engineering and the applied sciences. Includes instruction in natural phenomena modeling continuum mechanics, reaction-diffusion, wave propagation, dynamic systems, numerical analysis, controlled theory, asymptotic methods, variation, optimization theory, inverse problems, and applications to specific scientific and industrial topics. See other colleges that offer this major
Aircraft Powerplant Technology/Technician
- A program that prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to repair, service, and maintain all types of aircraft powerplant and related systems. Instruction includes engine inspection and maintenance, lubrication and cooling, electrical and ignition systems, carburetion, fuels and fuel systems, propeller and fan assemblies. See other colleges that offer this major
Aerospace Ground Equipment Technology
- A program that focuses on the principles, technology, and maintenance of ground-based systems and equipments used to support aviation flight operations and space operations. Includes instruction in computer science, electronics, basic sciences and quantitative methods, air conditioning and refrigeration, corrosion control, fluid power, hazardous materials, industrial safety, maintenance management, vehicle and equipment operation, and applications to specific ground support systems. See other colleges that offer this major
- Instructional programs that derive from two or more distinct programs to provide a cross-cutting focus on a subject concentration that is not subsumed under a single discipline or occupational field. See other colleges that offer this major
- A program that focuses on biological and psychological linkages, especially the linkages between biochemical and biophysical activity and the functioning of the central nervous system. See other colleges that offer this major
International/Globalization Studies
- A program that focuses on global and international issues from the perspective of the social sciences, social services, and related fields. See other colleges that offer this major
Cultural Studies/Critical Theory and Analysis
- An interdisciplinary program that focuses on the analysis and critique of culture in its varied forms, including values, ideas, belief systems, and expressive acts, and the relationship between cultural forms, everyday life, and structures of power. Includes instruction in anthropology, communications, history, literary studies, philosophy, political economy, and sociology, as well as recent theories and methodologies such as semiotics, deconstruction, postcolonial studies, gender theory, and ethnography. See other colleges that offer this major
Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other
- Any instructional program in multi/interdisciplinary studies not listed above. See other colleges that offer this major
Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness, General
- A general program that focuses on activities and principles that promote physical fitness, achieve and maintain athletic prowess, and accomplish related research and service goals. Includes instruction in human movement studies, motivation studies, rules and practice of specific sports, exercise and fitness principles and techniques, basic athletic injury prevention and treatment, and organizing and leading fitness and sports programs. See other colleges that offer this major
Sport and Fitness Administration/Management
- A program that prepares individuals to apply business, coaching and physical education principles to the organization, administration and management of athletic programs and teams, fitness/rehabilitation facilities and health clubs, sport recreation services, and related services. Includes instruction in program planning and development; business and financial management principles; sales, marketing and recruitment; event promotion, scheduling and management; facilities management; public relations; legal aspects of sports; and applicable health and safety standards. See other colleges that offer this major
Exercise Science and Kinesiology
- A scientific program that focuses on the anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and biophysics of human movement, and applications to exercise and therapeutic rehabilitation. Includes instruction in biomechanics, motor behavior, motor development and coordination, motor neurophysiology, performance research, rehabilitative therapies, the development of diagnostic and rehabilitative methods and equipment, and related analytical methods and procedures in applied exercise and therapeutic rehabilitation. See other colleges that offer this major
Outdoor Education
- A program that prepares individuals to work as an educator, instructor or facilitator in parks, recreational facilities, camps and other outdoor settings. Includes instruction in leadership skills, wilderness survival skills, first aid, group processes, counseling techniques, environmental studies and instruction in recreational activities such as rock climbing, ropes courses, backpacking, kayaking and canoeing. See other colleges that offer this major
- A program that focuses on ideas and their logical structure, including arguments and investigations about abstract and real phenomena. Includes instruction in logic, ethics, aesthetics, epistemology, metaphysics, symbolism, and history of philosophy, and applications to the theoretical foundations and methods of other disciplines. See other colleges that offer this major
Religion/Religious Studies
- A program that focuses on the nature of religious belief and specific religious and quasi-religious systems. Includes instruction in phenomenology; the sociology, psychology, philosophy, anthropology, literature and art of religion; mythology; scriptural and textual studies; religious history and politics; and specific studies of particular faith communities and their behavior. See other colleges that offer this major
Christian Studies
- A program that focuses on the philosophy and teachings of Jesus Christ and his apostles, and the subsequent intellectual and cultural movements and institutions based on Christianity. Includes instruction in Christian sacred scripture, Christian literature and philosophy, and studies of one or more of the main branches of the faith and their cultural context including Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelicalism, and others. See other colleges that offer this major
Chemistry, General
- A general program that focuses on the scientific study of the composition and behavior of matter, including its micro- and macro-structure, the processes of chemical change, and the theoretical description and laboratory simulation of these phenomena. See other colleges that offer this major
Physics, General
- A general program that focuses on the scientific study of matter and energy, and the formulation and testing of the laws governing the behavior of the matter-energy continuum. Includes instruction in classical and modern physics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, mechanics, wave properties, nuclear processes, relativity and quantum theory, quantitative methods, and laboratory methods. See other colleges that offer this major
Psychology, General
- A general program that focuses on the scientific study of individual and collective behavior, the physical and environmental bases of behavior, and the analysis and treatment of behavior problems and disorders. Includes instruction in the principles of the various subfields of psychology, research methods, and psychological assessment and testing methods. See other colleges that offer this major
- Instructional programs that prepare individuals to analyze, manage, and deliver public programs and services. See other colleges that offer this major
Public Administration
- A program that prepares individuals to serve as managers in the executive arm of local, state, and federal government and that focuses on the systematic study of executive organization and management. Includes instruction in the roles, development, and principles of public administration; the management of public policy; executive-legislative relations; public budgetary processes and financial management; administrative law; public personnel management; professional ethics; and research methods. See other colleges that offer this major
Social Work
- A program that prepares individuals for the professional practice of social welfare administration and counseling, and that focus on the study of organized means of providing basic support services for vulnerable individuals and groups. Includes instruction in social welfare policy; case work planning; social counseling and intervention strategies; administrative procedures and regulations; and specific applications in areas such as child welfare and family services, probation, employment services, and disability counseling. See other colleges that offer this major
Social Sciences, General
- A program that focuses on the general study of human social behavior and social institutions using any of the methodologies common to the social sciences and/or history, or an undifferentiated program of study in the social sciences. See other colleges that offer this major
International Relations and Affairs
- A program that focuses on the systematic study of international politics and institutions, and the conduct of diplomacy and foreign policy. Includes instruction in international relations theory, foreign policy analysis, international law and organization, the comparative study of specific countries and regions, and the theory and practice of diplomacy. See other colleges that offer this major
Political Science and Government, General
- A general program that focuses on the systematic study of political institutions and behavior. Includes instruction in political philosophy, political theory, comparative government and politics, political parties and interest groups, public opinion, political research methods, studies of the government and politics of specific countries, and studies of specific political institutions and processes. See other colleges that offer this major
Bible/Biblical Studies
- A program that focuses on the Christian and/or Jewish Bible and related literature, with an emphasis on understanding and interpreting the theological, doctrinal, and ethical messages contained therein. May include preparation for applying these studies in various religious vocations. See other colleges that offer this major
Religious/Sacred Music
- A program that focuses on the history, theory, composition, and performance of music for religious or sacred purposes, and that prepares individuals for religious musical vocations such as choir directors, cantors, organists, and chanters. See other colleges that offer this major
- A program that prepares individuals for ordination as ministers or priests in any of the Christian religious traditions. Includes instruction in the theology and polity of a particular church, church law, liturgy and ritual, principles of pastoral ministry, homiletics, evangelism, church/parish organization and management, Christian ethics, church history, and related studies. See other colleges that offer this major
Pastoral Studies/Counseling
- A program that focuses on the theory and principles of pastoral care and prepares ordained clergy to provide non-clinical pastoral counseling to individuals and groups. Includes instruction in pastoral leadership, counseling psychology; crisis intervention; individual and group procedures; theological and spiritual counseling; pastoral care; and applications to specific types of ministry. See other colleges that offer this major
Youth Ministry
- A program that prepares the ordained clergy and other religious professionals to provide spiritual, counseling, and leadership services to children, adolescents, and young adults. Includes instruction in child and adolescent psychology, human growth and development, family studies, communication skills, religious education, youth counseling, small group leadership, planning and organizing youth activities, volunteer supervision, and youth evangelism and worship. See other colleges that offer this major
Lay Ministry
- A program that prepares non-ordained individuals to serve as lay pastors, religious educators, youth leaders, and other professional positions open to the laity in local churches and other settings. Includes instruction in bible studies, theology, spirituality, pastoral counseling, foundations of ministry, effective communication, and church leadership. See other colleges that offer this major
Aeronautics/Aviation/Aerospace Science and Technology, General
- A program that focuses on the general study of aviation and the aviation industry, including in-flight and ground support operations. Includes instruction in the technical, business, and general aspects of air transportation systems. See other colleges that offer this major
Aviation/Airway Management and Operations
- A program that prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to the management of aviation industry operations and services. Includes instruction in airport operations, ground traffic direction, ground support and flightline operations, passenger and cargo operations, flight safety and security operations, aviation industry regulation, and related business aspects of managing aviation enterprises. See other colleges that offer this major
Airline Flight Attendant
- A program that prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to the performance of a variety of personal services conducive to the safety and comfort of airline passengers during flight, including verifying tickets, explaining the use of safety equipment, providing passenger services, and responding to in-flight emergencies. See other colleges that offer this major
Design and Visual Communications, General
- A program in the applied visual arts that focuses on the general principles and techniques for effectively communicating ideas and information, and packaging products, in digital and other formats to business and consumer audiences, and that may prepare individuals in any of the applied art media. See other colleges that offer this major
Interior Design
- A program in the applied visual arts that prepares individuals to apply artistic principles and techniques to the professional planning, designing, equipping, and furnishing of residential and commercial interior spaces. Includes instruction in computer applications, drafting, and graphic techniques; principles of interior lighting, acoustics, systems integration, and color coordination; furniture and furnishings; textiles and their finishing; the history of interior design and period styles; basic structural design; building codes and inspection regulations; and applications to office, hotel, factory, restaurant and housing design. See other colleges that offer this major
Graphic Design
- A program that prepares individuals to apply artistic and computer techniques to the interpretation of technical and commercial concepts. Includes instruction in computer-assisted art and design, printmaking, concepts sketching, technical drawing, color theory, imaging, studio technique, still and life modeling, multimedia applications, communication skills and commercial art business operations. See other colleges that offer this major
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General
- A program that focuses on the general study of dramatic works and their performance. Includes instruction in major works of dramatic literature, dramatic styles and types, and the principles of organizing and producing full live or filmed productions. See other colleges that offer this major
- A program that prepares individuals to communicate dramatic information, ideas, moods, and feelings through the achievement of naturalistic and believable behavior in imaginary circumstances. Includes instruction in voice and acting speech, stage dialects, movement, improvisation, acting styles, theatre history, script interpretation, and actor coaching. See other colleges that offer this major
Musical Theatre
- A program that focuses on the principles and techniques for integrating theatre, music, and dance into a unified production. Includes instruction in acting, dance, voice, technical theater, musical genres, piano, and history of musical theater. See other colleges that offer this major
Cinematography and Film/Video Production
- A program that prepares individuals to communicate dramatic information, ideas, moods, and feelings through the making and producing of films and videos. Includes instruction in theory of film, film technology and equipment operation, film production, film directing, film editing, cinematographic art, film audio, techniques for making specific types of films and/or videos, media technologies, computer image making, multi-media production, and the planning and management of film/video operations. See other colleges that offer this major
Fine/Studio Arts, General
- A program that prepares individuals to generally function as creative artists in the visual and plastic media. Includes instruction in the traditional fine arts media (drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, CAD/CAM) and/or modern media (ceramics, textiles, intermedia, photography, digital images), theory of art, color theory, composition and perspective, anatomy, the techniques and procedures for maintaining equipment and managing a studio, and art portfolio marketing. See other colleges that offer this major
Music, General
- A general program that focuses on the introductory study and appreciation of music and the performing arts. Includes instruction in music, dance, and other performing arts media. See other colleges that offer this major
Music History, Literature, and Theory
- A program that focuses on the study of the historical evolution of music as a social and intellectual phenomenon, the development of musical instruments and techniques, and the analysis and criticism of musical literature. Includes instruction in music history research methods, aesthetic analysis of musical compositions, history of musical writing and notation, the development of musical instruments, the development of music theory, and the study of specific periods, cultural traditions, styles, and themes. See other colleges that offer this major
Musicology and Ethnomusicology
- A program that focuses on the systematic study of the forms and methods of music art, and the functions of music, in Western and non-Western societies and cultures. Includes instruction in music theory, musicological research methods, and studies of specific cultural styles such as jazz, folk music, rock, ethnic musical traditions, and the music of non-Western cultures. See other colleges that offer this major
Keyboard Instruments
- A program that prepares individuals to master the piano, organ, or related keyboard instruments and performing art as solo, ensemble, and/or accompanist performers. Includes instruction in piano and keyboard pedagogy, ensemble playing, accompanying, service playing, repertoire, keyboard and pedal skills, recital, and personal style development. See other colleges that offer this major
Voice and Opera
- A program that prepares individuals to master the human voice and performing art as solo and/or ensemble performers in concert, choir, opera, or other forms of singing. Includes instruction in voice pedagogy, diction, vocal physiology and exercise, expressive movement, repertoire, recital, and personal style development. See other colleges that offer this major
Music Pedagogy
- A program that prepares individuals to provide musical instruction and tutoring to clients in private and institutional settings. Includes instruction in music theory, music composition, mastery of one or more instruments, familiarity with various musical genres and styles, principles of music education, and client communications. See other colleges that offer this major
Brass Instruments
- A program that prepares individuals to master a brass instrument and performing art as solo, ensemble, and/or accompanist performers. Includes instruction in playing and personal style development. See other colleges that offer this major
Music, Other
- Any instructional program in music not listed above. See other colleges that offer this major
Most Popular Graduate programs
- Business Administration and Management, General
- Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, Other
- Counseling Psychology
- Theology/Theological Studies
- Divinity/Ministry
Graduate ProgramsX
Biomedical Sciences, General
- A general, program that focuses on the integrative scientific study of biological issues related to health and medicine, or a program in one or more of the biomedical sciences that is undifferentiated as to title. Includes instruction in any of the basic medical sciences at the research level; biological science research in biomedical faculties; and general studies encompassing a variety of the biomedical disciplines. See other colleges that offer this major
Exercise Physiology and Kinesiology
- A program that focuses on the scientific study of the physiological processes involved in physical or motor activity, including sensorimotor interactions, response mechanisms, and the effects of injury, disease, and disability. Includes instruction in muscular and skeletal anatomy; molecular and cellular basis of muscle contraction; fuel utilization; neurophysiology of motor mechanics; systemic physiological responses (respiration, blood flow, endocrine secretions, and others); fatigue and exhaustion; muscle and body training; physiology of specific exercises and activities; physiology of injury; and the effects of disabilities and disease. See other colleges that offer this major
Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
- Any instructional program in the biological and biomedical sciences not listed above. See other colleges that offer this major
Business Administration and Management, General
- A program that generally prepares individuals to plan, organize, direct, and control the functions and processes of a firm or organization. Includes instruction in management theory, human resources management and behavior, accounting and other quantitative methods, purchasing and logistics, organization and production, marketing, and business decision-making. See other colleges that offer this major
Project Management
- A program that prepares individuals to apply quantitative and qualitative knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to manage projects in a wide range of fields and occupations. Includes instruction in project planning, risk management, cost and time management, contracts and procurement, accounting, statistics, decision making, and human resources. See other colleges that offer this major
- A program that prepares individuals to practice the profession of accounting and to perform related business functions. Includes instruction in accounting principles and theory, financial accounting, managerial accounting, cost accounting, budget control, tax accounting, legal aspects of accounting, auditing, reporting procedures, statement analysis, planning and consulting, business information systems, accounting research methods, professional standards and ethics, and applications to specific for-profit, public, and non-profit organizations. See other colleges that offer this major
Finance, General
- A program that generally prepares individuals to plan, manage, and analyze the financial and monetary aspects and performance of business enterprises, banking institutions, or other organizations. Includes instruction in principles of accounting, financial instruments, capital planning, funds acquisition, asset and debt management, budgeting, financial analysis, and investments and portfolio management. See other colleges that offer this major
Management Information Systems, General
- A program that generally prepares individuals to provide and manage data systems and related facilities for processing and retrieving internal business information; select systems and train personnel; and respond to external data requests. Includes instruction in cost and accounting information systems, management control systems, personnel information systems, data storage and security, business systems networking, report preparation, computer facilities and equipment operation and maintenance, operator supervision and training, and management information systems policy and planning. See other colleges that offer this major
Marketing/Marketing Management, General
- A program that generally prepares individuals to undertake and manage the process of developing consumer audiences and moving products from producers to consumers. Includes instruction in buyer behavior and dynamics, principle of marketing research, demand analysis, cost-volume and profit relationships, pricing theory, marketing campaign and strategic planning, market segments, advertising methods, sales operations and management, consumer relations, retailing, and applications to specific products and markets. See other colleges that offer this major
Information Technology
- A program that focuses on the design of technological information systems, including computing systems, as solutions to business and research data and communications support needs. Includes instruction in the principles of computer hardware and software components, algorithms, databases, telecommunications, user tactics, application testing, and human interface design. See other colleges that offer this major
- A program that focuses on computer systems from a user-centered perspective and studies the structure, behavior and interactions of natural and artificial systems that store, process and communicate information. Includes instruction in information sciences, human computer interaction, information system analysis and design, telecommunications structure and information architecture and management. See other colleges that offer this major
Education, General
- A program that focuses on the general theory and practice of learning and teaching, the basic principles of educational psychology, the art of teaching, the planning and administration of educational activities, school safety and health issues, and the social foundations of education. See other colleges that offer this major
Curriculum and Instruction
- A program that focuses on the curriculum and related instructional processes and tools, and that may prepare individuals to serve as professional curriculum specialists. Includes instruction in curriculum theory, curriculum design and planning, instructional material design and evaluation, curriculum evaluation, and applications to specific subject matter, programs or educational levels. See other colleges that offer this major
Educational Leadership and Administration, General
- A program that focuses on the general principles and techniques of administering a wide variety of schools and other educational organizations and facilities, supervising educational personnel at the school or staff level, and that may prepare individuals as general administrators and supervisors. See other colleges that offer this major
Higher Education/Higher Education Administration
- A program that focuses on the principles and practice of administration in four-year colleges, universities and higher education systems, the study of higher education as an object of applied research, and which may prepare individuals to function as administrators in such settings. Includes instruction in higher education economics and finance; policy and planning studies; curriculum; faculty and labor relations; higher education law; college student services; research on higher education; institutional research; marketing and promotion; and issues of evaluation, accountability and philosophy. See other colleges that offer this major
Educational/Instructional Technology
- A program that focuses on integrating technology into educational curricula. Includes instruction in foundations of educational technology, computer applications, utilizing technology for assessment, multimedia instruction, web-based instruction, distance education, and designing and producing educational software and materials. See other colleges that offer this major
Special Education and Teaching, General
- A general program that focuses on the design and provision of teaching and other educational services to children or adults with special learning needs or disabilities, and that may prepare individuals to function as special education teachers in a collaborative or team environment. Includes instruction in diagnosing learning disabilities, developing individual education plans, teaching and supervising special education students, special education counseling, and applicable laws and policies. See other colleges that offer this major
Education/Teaching of the Gifted and Talented
- A program that focuses on the design of educational services for children or adults exhibiting exceptional intellectual, psychomotor or artistic talent or potential, or who exhibit exceptional maturity or social leadership talents, and that may prepare individuals to teach such students. Includes instruction in identifying gifted and talented students, developing individual education plans, teaching and supervising gifted and talented students, counseling, and applicable laws and policies. See other colleges that offer this major
Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services
- A program that prepares individuals to apply the theory and principles of guidance and counseling to the provision of support for the personal, social, educational, and vocational development of students, and the organizing of guidance services within elementary, middle and secondary educational institutions. Includes instruction in legal and professional requirements, therapeutic counselor intervention, vocational counseling, and related sociological and psychological foundations. See other colleges that offer this major
Student Counseling and Personnel Services, Other
- Any instructional program in student counseling and personnel services not listed above. See other colleges that offer this major
Elementary Education and Teaching
- A program that prepares individuals to teach students in the elementary grades, which may include kindergarten through grade eight, depending on the school system or state regulations. Includes preparation to teach all elementary education subject matter. See other colleges that offer this major
Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching
- A program that prepares individuals to teach students in the middle, intermediate or junior high grades, which may include grades four through nine by regulation. See other colleges that offer this major
Secondary Education and Teaching
- A program that prepares individuals to teach students in the secondary grades, which may include grades seven through twelve, depending on the school system or state regulations. May include preparation to teach a comprehensive curriculum or specific subject matter. See other colleges that offer this major
English/Language Arts Teacher Education
- A program that prepares individuals to teach English grammar, composition and literature programs at various educational levels. See other colleges that offer this major
Foreign Language Teacher Education
- A program that prepares individuals to teach foreign languages programs at various educational levels, other than French, German or Spanish. See other colleges that offer this major
Health Teacher Education
- A program that prepares individuals to teach health education programs at various educational levels. See other colleges that offer this major
Mathematics Teacher Education
- A program that prepares individuals to teach mathematics programs at various educational levels. See other colleges that offer this major
Reading Teacher Education
- A program that prepares individuals to diagnose reading difficulties and to teach reading programs at various educational levels. See other colleges that offer this major
History Teacher Education
- A program that prepares individuals to teach history programs at various educational levels. See other colleges that offer this major
Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor
- A program that focuses on the principles and practice of teaching English to students who are not proficient in English or who do not speak, read or write English, and that may prepare individuals to function as teachers and administrators in such programs. See other colleges that offer this major
Engineering, General
- A program that generally prepares individuals to apply mathematical and scientific principles to solve a wide variety of practical problems in industry, social organization, public works, and commerce. Includes instruction in undifferentiated and individualized programs in engineering. See other colleges that offer this major
Engineering/Industrial Management
- A program that focuses on the application of engineering principles to the planning and operational management of industrial and manufacturing operations, and prepares individuals to plan and manage such operations. Includes instruction in accounting, engineering economy, financial management, industrial and human resources management, industrial psychology, management information systems, mathematical modeling and optimization, quality control, operations research, safety and health issues, and environmental program management. See other colleges that offer this major
English Language and Literature, General
- A general program that focuses on the English language, including its history, structure and related communications skills; and the literature and culture of English-speaking peoples. See other colleges that offer this major
Creative Writing
- A program that focuses on the process and techniques of original composition in various literary forms such as the short story, poetry, the novel, and others. Includes instruction in technical and editorial skills, criticism, and the marketing of finished manuscripts. See other colleges that offer this major
Professional, Technical, Business, and Scientific Writing
- A program that focuses on professional, technical, business, and scientific writing; and that prepares individuals for academic positions or for professional careers as writers, editors, researchers, and related careers in business, government, non-profits, and the professions. Includes instruction in theories of rhetoric, writing, and digital literacy; document design, production, and management; visual rhetoric and multimedia composition; documentation development; usability testing; web writing; and publishing in print and electronic media. See other colleges that offer this major
Rhetoric and Composition
- A program that focuses on the humanistic and scientific study of rhetoric, composition, literacy, and language/linguistic theories and their practical and pedagogical applications. Includes instruction in historical and contemporary rhetoric/composition theories; composition and criticism of written, visual, and mixed-media texts; analysis of literacy practices in cultural and cross-cultural contexts; and writing program administration. See other colleges that offer this major
Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
- A program that focuses on one or more of the extinct Semitic and/or Non-Semitic languages spoken in the ancient Near East, including those used to write historical Jewish and Christian religious texts. These languages include, but are not limited to, Egyptian/Coptic, Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Aramaic, Cannanite, Phonecian, Samarian, Ugaritic, Syriac, Mandean, Hattic, Elamite, Hurrian, Hittite, Urartian, Lydian, Luwian, Lycian, Palaic, Sabaean/South Arabian, and other associated languages. Includes instruction in philology, epigraphy, papyrology, numismatics, and textual studies. See other colleges that offer this major
Health/Health Care Administration/Management
- A program that prepares individuals to develop, plan, and manage health care operations and services within health care facilities and across health care systems. Includes instruction in planning, business management, financial management, public relations, human resources management, health care systems operation and management, health care resource allocation and policy making, health law and regulations, and applications to specific types of health care services. See other colleges that offer this major
Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling
- A program that prepares individuals to help prevent substance abuse, counsel individuals and families with drug and alcohol problems, and perform intervention and therapeutic services for persons suffering from addiction. Includes instruction in individual and group counseling skills, psychology of addiction, sociology, crisis intervention, substance abuse identification methodologies, substance abuse treatment modalities, substance abuse prevention and treatment resources, pharmacology and behavioral aspects of abused substances, treatment evaluation, patient observation and education, group dynamics, professional standards and ethics, and applicable law and regulations. See other colleges that offer this major
Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions, Other
- Any instructional program in mental and social health services and allied professions not listed above. See other colleges that offer this major
Public Health, General
- A program that generally prepares individuals to plan, manage, and evaluate public health care services; to function as public health professionals in public agencies, the private sector, and other settings; and to provide leadership in the field of public health. Includes instruction in epidemiology, biostatistics, public health principles, preventive medicine, health policy and regulations, health care services and related administrative functions, public health law enforcement, health economics and budgeting, public communications, and professional standards and ethics. See other colleges that offer this major
Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse
- A program that generally prepares individuals in the knowledge, techniques and procedures for promoting health, providing care for sick, disabled, infirmed, or other individuals or groups. Includes instruction in the administration of medication and treatments, assisting a physician during treatments and examinations, Referring patients to physicians and other health care specialists, and planning education for health maintenance. See other colleges that offer this major
Nursing Administration
- A program that prepares registered nurses to manage nursing personnel and services in hospitals and other health care delivery agencies. Includes instruction in principles of health care administration, resource and financial management, health care law and policy, medical personnel management, and managed care operations. See other colleges that offer this major
History, General
- A program that focuses on the general study and interpretation of the past, including the gathering, recording, synthesizing and criticizing of evidence and theories about past events. Includes instruction in historiography; historical research methods; studies of specific periods, issues and cultures; and applications to areas such as historic preservation, public policy, and records administration. See other colleges that offer this major
Criminal Justice/Safety Studies
- A program that focuses on the criminal justice system, its organizational components and processes, and its legal and public policy contexts. Includes instruction in criminal law and policy, police and correctional systems organization, the administration of justice and the judiciary, and public attitudes regarding criminal justice issues. See other colleges that offer this major
Advanced Legal Research/Studies, General
- An integrated or undifferentiated program in one or more of the legal research or advanced practice fields. See other colleges that offer this major
American/U.S. Law/Legal Studies/Jurisprudence
- An advanced, professional program of the U.S. legal system, Constitution law, and jurisprudence. Includes instruction in legal history, legal sociology, philosophy of law, Constitutional law, legal procedure, and related topics. See other colleges that offer this major
International Law and Legal Studies
- An advanced, professional study of the law affecting relations between nations, the behavior of international organizations, and the international activities of private citizens and organizations. See other colleges that offer this major
Cyber/Electronic Operations and Warfare
- A program that focuses on the technological and operation aspects of information warfare, including cyber attack and cyber defense. Includes instruction in computer and network security, cryptography, computer forensics, systems security engineering, software applications, threat and vulnerability assessment, wireless networks and satellite communications, tactical and strategic planning, legal and ethical issues, and cyber warfare systems development and acquisition. See other colleges that offer this major
Nutrition Sciences
- A scientific program that focuses on the utilization of food for human growth and metabolism, in both normal and dysfunctional states, from the interdisciplinary perspective of the agricultural, human, biological, and biomedical sciences. Includes instruction in food science, biochemistry, physiology, dietetics, food and nutrition studies, biotechnology, biophysics, and the clinical sciences. See other colleges that offer this major
Human Biology
- An interdisciplinary program that focuses on understanding the human being from the biological, social science, and humanities perspectives and that addresses contemporary issues related to biology and society, such as global health and disease, environmental policy, bioethics, and biotechnology. See other colleges that offer this major
Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other
- Any instructional program in multi/interdisciplinary studies not listed above. See other colleges that offer this major
Sport and Fitness Administration/Management
- A program that prepares individuals to apply business, coaching and physical education principles to the organization, administration and management of athletic programs and teams, fitness/rehabilitation facilities and health clubs, sport recreation services, and related services. Includes instruction in program planning and development; business and financial management principles; sales, marketing and recruitment; event promotion, scheduling and management; facilities management; public relations; legal aspects of sports; and applicable health and safety standards. See other colleges that offer this major
Exercise Science and Kinesiology
- A scientific program that focuses on the anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and biophysics of human movement, and applications to exercise and therapeutic rehabilitation. Includes instruction in biomechanics, motor behavior, motor development and coordination, motor neurophysiology, performance research, rehabilitative therapies, the development of diagnostic and rehabilitative methods and equipment, and related analytical methods and procedures in applied exercise and therapeutic rehabilitation. See other colleges that offer this major
Religion/Religious Studies
- A program that focuses on the nature of religious belief and specific religious and quasi-religious systems. Includes instruction in phenomenology; the sociology, psychology, philosophy, anthropology, literature and art of religion; mythology; scriptural and textual studies; religious history and politics; and specific studies of particular faith communities and their behavior. See other colleges that offer this major
Christian Studies
- A program that focuses on the philosophy and teachings of Jesus Christ and his apostles, and the subsequent intellectual and cultural movements and institutions based on Christianity. Includes instruction in Christian sacred scripture, Christian literature and philosophy, and studies of one or more of the main branches of the faith and their cultural context including Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelicalism, and others. See other colleges that offer this major
Psychology, General
- A general program that focuses on the scientific study of individual and collective behavior, the physical and environmental bases of behavior, and the analysis and treatment of behavior problems and disorders. Includes instruction in the principles of the various subfields of psychology, research methods, and psychological assessment and testing methods. See other colleges that offer this major
Counseling Psychology
- A program that prepares individuals for the independent professional practice of psychological counseling, involving the rendering of therapeutic services to individuals and groups experiencing psychological problems and exhibiting distress symptoms. Includes instruction in counseling theory, therapeutic intervention strategies, patient/counselor relationships, testing and assessment methods and procedures, group therapy, marital and family therapy, child and adolescent therapy, supervised counseling practice, ethical standards, and applicable regulations. See other colleges that offer this major
Applied Psychology
- A program that focuses on the application of psychological theories and methods to real-world settings and problems, such as business and industry, government, education, military, and community settings. Includes instruction in applications of psychology, industrial/organizational psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, cognitive psychology, counseling, human factors, research methods and statistics, and program evaluation. See other colleges that offer this major
Public Administration
- A program that prepares individuals to serve as managers in the executive arm of local, state, and federal government and that focuses on the systematic study of executive organization and management. Includes instruction in the roles, development, and principles of public administration; the management of public policy; executive-legislative relations; public budgetary processes and financial management; administrative law; public personnel management; professional ethics; and research methods. See other colleges that offer this major
Public Policy Analysis, General
- A program that focuses on the systematic analysis of public policy issues and decision processes. Includes instruction in the role of economic and political factors in public decision-making and policy formulation, microeconomic analysis of policy issues, resource allocation and decision modeling, cost/benefit analysis, statistical methods, and applications to specific public policy topics. See other colleges that offer this major
International Relations and Affairs
- A program that focuses on the systematic study of international politics and institutions, and the conduct of diplomacy and foreign policy. Includes instruction in international relations theory, foreign policy analysis, international law and organization, the comparative study of specific countries and regions, and the theory and practice of diplomacy. See other colleges that offer this major
National Security Policy Studies
- A program that focuses on the theory and application of intelligence, diplomacy, military power, and related tools of statecraft to national defense policy formulation and power projection. Includes instruction in history, political theory, public policy analysis, civil-military relations, military and defense studies, homeland security, leadership, threat scenarios, regional and local issues, alliance and coalition issues, defense budgeting and economics, intelligence, and strategy. See other colleges that offer this major
Political Science and Government, General
- A general program that focuses on the systematic study of political institutions and behavior. Includes instruction in political philosophy, political theory, comparative government and politics, political parties and interest groups, public opinion, political research methods, studies of the government and politics of specific countries, and studies of specific political institutions and processes. See other colleges that offer this major
Bible/Biblical Studies
- A program that focuses on the Christian and/or Jewish Bible and related literature, with an emphasis on understanding and interpreting the theological, doctrinal, and ethical messages contained therein. May include preparation for applying these studies in various religious vocations. See other colleges that offer this major
Religious Education
- A program that focuses on the theory and practice of providing educational services to members of faith communities, within the context of a particular religion, and that prepares individuals to serve as religious educators. Includes instruction in planning and teaching lessons, organizing and supervising instructional activities, designing and developing instructional materials, and administering religious education programs and facilities. See other colleges that offer this major
Religious/Sacred Music
- A program that focuses on the history, theory, composition, and performance of music for religious or sacred purposes, and that prepares individuals for religious musical vocations such as choir directors, cantors, organists, and chanters. See other colleges that offer this major
Theology/Theological Studies
- A program that focuses on the beliefs and doctrine of a particular religious faith from the intramural point of view of that faith. Includes instruction in systematic theology, historical theology, moral theology, doctrinal studies, dogmatics, apologetics, and applications to specific questions of ecclesiastical polity and religious life. See other colleges that offer this major
- A program that prepares individuals for ordination as ministers or priests in any of the Christian religious traditions. Includes instruction in the theology and polity of a particular church, church law, liturgy and ritual, principles of pastoral ministry, homiletics, evangelism, church/parish organization and management, Christian ethics, church history, and related studies. See other colleges that offer this major
Theology and Religious Vocations, Other
- Any instructional program in theological studies and religious vocations not listed above. See other colleges that offer this major
Aeronautics/Aviation/Aerospace Science and Technology, General
- A program that focuses on the general study of aviation and the aviation industry, including in-flight and ground support operations. Includes instruction in the technical, business, and general aspects of air transportation systems. See other colleges that offer this major
Design and Visual Communications, General
- A program in the applied visual arts that focuses on the general principles and techniques for effectively communicating ideas and information, and packaging products, in digital and other formats to business and consumer audiences, and that may prepare individuals in any of the applied art media. See other colleges that offer this major
Graphic Design
- A program that prepares individuals to apply artistic and computer techniques to the interpretation of technical and commercial concepts. Includes instruction in computer-assisted art and design, printmaking, concepts sketching, technical drawing, color theory, imaging, studio technique, still and life modeling, multimedia applications, communication skills and commercial art business operations. See other colleges that offer this major
Fine/Studio Arts, General
- A program that prepares individuals to generally function as creative artists in the visual and plastic media. Includes instruction in the traditional fine arts media (drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, CAD/CAM) and/or modern media (ceramics, textiles, intermedia, photography, digital images), theory of art, color theory, composition and perspective, anatomy, the techniques and procedures for maintaining equipment and managing a studio, and art portfolio marketing. See other colleges that offer this major
Musicology and Ethnomusicology
- A program that focuses on the systematic study of the forms and methods of music art, and the functions of music, in Western and non-Western societies and cultures. Includes instruction in music theory, musicological research methods, and studies of specific cultural styles such as jazz, folk music, rock, ethnic musical traditions, and the music of non-Western cultures. See other colleges that offer this major
Music Pedagogy
- A program that prepares individuals to provide musical instruction and tutoring to clients in private and institutional settings. Includes instruction in music theory, music composition, mastery of one or more instruments, familiarity with various musical genres and styles, principles of music education, and client communications. See other colleges that offer this major
Undergraduate acceptance rate
Acceptance rate
99.29%- Apply 30,943
- Accepted 30,723
- Attend 6,114
Application Fee
$50Undergraduate application requirements
High school transcript
RequiredHigh school GPA
RequiredRecommendation letter
Not applicableAdmissions test
Not applicable
(international students)Completion of college
Not applicable
prep programDemonstration of
Not applicable
Student Life
Student Demographics
Female Students
59%Male Students
41%Student Ethnicities
- Caucasian51.14%
- Not Specified20.94%
- Black14.6%
- Hispanic/Latino6.32%
- Two Or More Ethnicities4.3%
- Asian2.01%
- American Indian/Alaska Native0.42%
- Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander0.27%
Student body breakdown
Total students enrolled
Undergraduate students
Graduate students
Full Time Students
56%Part Time Students
44%Student services
- Meal plan
- Counseling services
- Remedial services
- Work-study
- Placement services
- Study abroad
- Weekend/evening classes
- On-campus day care for student's children
Top five largest sports teams
Male sports:
- Football
- Track and Field and Cross Country (combined)
- Baseball
- Soccer
- Basketball
Female sports:
- Track and Field and Cross Country (combined)
- Swimming and Diving (combined)
- Lacrosse
- Soccer
- Field Hockey
Full List of Athletics X
- Football
- Track and Field and Cross Country (combined)
- Baseball
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Golf
- Tennis
- Track and Field and Cross Country (combined)
- Swimming and Diving (combined)
- Lacrosse
- Soccer
- Field Hockey
- Softball
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Tennis