Fremont University
At a Glance
School type
Private, for-profit, 4-year or above
School Size & Setting
Large | Suburb
Religious affliation
Not applicable
General Information
Fremont University
18000 Studebaker Road Suite 900A, Cerritos, California 90703
See on MapPhone
(562) 809-5100
Website Statement
Our mission is to close the gap between the traditional classroom and the 21st century workplace by providing an effective educational experience based on innovative instructional methods. To achieve our mission, our objectives are to: - Implement a collaborative learning model to engage diverse learners - Continuously improve our instructional methods to integrate andragogy - Promote research, entrepreneurship, and technology innovation - Stay relevant to our corporate partners' learning needs - Empower our graduates to contribute to the community
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Financial Aid: Undergraduates
Received financial aid
92%Type of aid | % of students receiving aid | Average amount |
Federal grants | 74.0% | $5,412 |
State/local grants | 7.0% | $3,160 |
Institutional grants | 13.0% | $8,351 |
Loans | 66.0% | $10,149 |
Financial aid resources
Learn about different ways to cover costs, incluing financial aid, GI Bills, grants and scholarships
Applying for financial AidReview this step-by-step guide on everything you need to do to complete your application.
Most Popular Undergraduate majors
- Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy
- Medical Insurance Coding Specialist/Coder
- Legal Assistant/Paralegal
- Health Services Administration
- Business/Commerce, General
Undergraduate Majors X
Business/Commerce, General
- A program that focuses on the general study of business, including the processes of interchanging goods and services (buying, selling and producing), business organization, and accounting as used in profit-making and nonprofit public and private institutions and agencies. The programs may prepare individuals to apply business principles and techniques in various occupational settings. See other colleges that offer this major
Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other
- Any instructional program in business and administration not listed above. See other colleges that offer this major
Medical Insurance Coding Specialist/Coder
- A program that prepares individuals to perform specialized data entry, classification, and record-keeping procedures related to medical diagnostic, treatment, billing, and insurance documentation. Includes instruction in medical records and insurance software applications, basic anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, fundamentals of medical science and treatment procedures, data classification and coding, data entry skills, and regulations relating to Medicare and insurance documentation. See other colleges that offer this major
Health Services Administration
- A program that focuses on the application of policy analysis, public administration, business management, and communications to the planning and management of health services delivery systems in the public and private sectors, and prepares individuals to function as health services administrators and managers. Includes instruction in health systems planning, public health organization and management, pubic health policy formulation and analysis, finance, business and operations management, economics of health care, organizational and health communications, marketing, human resources management, and public health law and regulations. See other colleges that offer this major
Therapeutic Recreation/Recreational Therapy
- A program that prepares individuals to plan, organize, and direct recreational activities designed to promote health and well-being for patients who are physically, mentally, or emotionally disabled. Includes instruction in the foundations of therapeutic recreation, leisure education and counseling, program planning, therapeutic recreational modalities, basic anatomy and physiology, psychology, medical terminology, human growth and development, patient observation and evaluation, special needs populations, and professional standards and ethics. See other colleges that offer this major
Legal Assistant/Paralegal
- A program that prepares individuals to perform research, drafting, investigatory, record-keeping and related administrative functions under the supervision of an attorney or court. Includes instruction in legal research, drafting legal documents, appraising, pleading, courthouse procedures, and legal specializations. See other colleges that offer this major
Most Popular Graduate programs
- Business Administration and Management, General
Graduate ProgramsX
Business Administration and Management, General
- A program that generally prepares individuals to plan, organize, direct, and control the functions and processes of a firm or organization. Includes instruction in management theory, human resources management and behavior, accounting and other quantitative methods, purchasing and logistics, organization and production, marketing, and business decision-making. See other colleges that offer this major
Application Fee
No informationStudent Life
Student Demographics
Female Students
69%Male Students
31%Student Ethnicities
- Hispanic/Latino49.01%
- Black14.57%
- Caucasian12.58%
- Not Specified11.92%
- Asian5.96%
- Two Or More Ethnicities5.96%
Student body breakdown
Total students enrolled
Undergraduate students
Graduate students
Full Time Students
99%Part Time Students
1%Student services
- Meal plan
- Counseling services
- Remedial services
- Work-study
- Placement services
- Study abroad
- Weekend/evening classes
- On-campus day care for student's children