Central Oklahoma College
At a Glance
School type
Private, for-profit, 2-year
School Size & Setting
Large | Urban
Students-to-Faculty Ratio
Religious affliation
Not applicable
General Information
Central Oklahoma College
14820 Serenita Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73134
See on MapPhone
(405) 609-6622
centraloc.edu/Mission Statement
We provide unequaled opportunities for students to enter a professional offering job opportunities that are currently rated among the top 1 job opportunities in the national job market. We provide state of the art educational materials and curricula. We provide and maintain state of the art equipment and fixtures. We provide a quality service to and for consumers of the greater Oklahoma City metroplex area. We educate and prepare salon personnel for entrepreneurs of the Cosmetology Profession. We provide staff that are well trained and continually pursue a higher level of education and communication skills.
Read Morecost & financial aid
Financial Aid: Undergraduates
Received financial aid
94%Type of aid | % of students receiving aid | Average amount |
Federal grants | 77.0% | $4,583 |
State/local grants | 0.0% | $0 |
Institutional grants | 5.0% | $1,276 |
Loans | 86.0% | $7,821 |
Financial aid resources
Find out what to know before you commit and ways to cover the costs, including financial aid, loans, grants and scholarships.
Applying for financial AidReview this step-by-step guide on everything you need to do to complete your application.
Most Popular Undergraduate majors
- Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training
Undergraduate Majors X
Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training
- A program that prepares individuals to assist in providing general nursing care under the direction of a registered nurse, physician or dentist. Includes instruction in taking patient vital signs, applying sterile dressings, patient health education, and assistance with examinations and treatment. See other colleges that offer this major
Application Fee
No informationStudent Life
Student Demographics
Female Students
93%Male Students
7%Student Ethnicities
- Caucasian35.37%
- Black29.25%
- Hispanic/Latino16.55%
- Two Or More Ethnicities10.66%
- Not Specified3.63%
- American Indian/Alaska Native2.95%
- Asian1.59%
Student body breakdown
Total students enrolled
Undergraduate students
Full Time Students
42%Part Time Students
58%Student services
- Meal plan
- Counseling services
- Remedial services
- Work-study
- Placement services
- Study abroad
- Weekend/evening classes
- On-campus day care for student's children