Appalachian College of Pharmacy
At a Glance
School type
Private, not-for-profit, 4-year or above
School Size & Setting
Remote | Rural
Students-to-Faculty Ratio
Religious affliation
Not applicable
General Information
Appalachian College of Pharmacy
1060 Dragon Road, Oakwood, Virginia 24631
See on MapWebsite Statement
The purpose of the University of Appalachia is to promote, maintain and conduct academic, scientific and professional education, research, teaching and learning with a special, but not exclusive, mission of serving residents in underserved and rural communities of Central Appalachia. The University offers the Doctor of Pharmacy degree as well as continuing education and other nondegree programs through its College of Pharmacy.
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Financial aid resources
Learn about different ways to cover costs, incluing financial aid, GI Bills, grants and scholarships
Applying for financial AidReview this step-by-step guide on everything you need to do to complete your application.
Student Life
Student Demographics
Female Students
61%Male Students
39%Student Ethnicities
- Caucasian68.46%
- Black14.62%
- Asian10.0%
- Two Or More Ethnicities3.07%
- Hispanic/Latino1.54%
- American Indian/Alaska Native1.54%
- Not Specified0.77%
Student body breakdown
Total students enrolled
Graduate students
Full Time Students
96%Part Time Students
4%Student services
- Meal plan
- Counseling services
- Remedial services
- Work-study
- Placement services
- Study abroad
- Weekend/evening classes
- On-campus day care for student's children