Inspectors General (IG) oversee all inspection functions and analyze related methods and procedures to promote the effectiveness of programs and reduce waste, fraud, and mismanagement. They direct, train, and evaluate personnel and provide policy guidance concerning IG inspection programs. They perform inspections and provide reports and recommendations.
Inspectors General normally work in offices, although they may work outdoors during inspections.
Base pay is the standard income you’ll earn as a service member, providing a stable foundation to start achieving your financial goals.
Job training for Inspectors General primarily consists of classroom instruction and on-the-job learning in various training environments. Like other officers, they complete a comprehensive training program covering responsibilities, military structure and etiquette, traditions, and leadership development.
You like structure, staying organized, and working with systems to get things done efficiently.
You love taking risks in business or personal projects — and have the leadership skills to back it up.
RIASEC represents six broad interest areas—Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional—helping individuals identify careers that match their skills and preferences.
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