Human Resources Managers 
General Information
Plan, direct, or coordinate human resources activities and staff of an organization.
Explore this career in the MilitaryBusiness Breakdown
People in this career work in these sectors.
- Private, for profit71.36%
- Private, not for profit13.03%
- State and local government10.88%
- Federal government2.47%
- Self-employed2.10%
Workplace at a Glance
What you can expect to experience while on the job
- Responsibility
- Exposure to job hazards
- Physical activity
- Decision making
- Repetitiveness
- Level of competition
- Time pressure
Industry areas
- Business Management & Administration
Job Outlook
Similar Careers
Related Military Careers
Human Resources Managers
Military-Specific / Tactical Training Specialists
Career Counseling / Retention Specialists
Education Administrators
Equal Opportunity Managers
Manpower Officers
Human Resources Specialists
Related MIlitary Careers X
Human Resources Managers
- HR managers administer personnel programs by developing and coordinating policies and procedures that support service members. They develop plans for strength accounting and job assignment, performance evaluation and promotions, training, awards, equal opportunity, discipline, and discharge of personnel. They may also assist with programs such as drug and alcohol abuse and control, overseas duty support, family support, recreation, and physical fitness. Navigate to Military Career Page
- Recruiters perform all tasks related to the application process. They participate in promotional events, interviews, and consultations related to potential enlistments. They provide applicants with all the necessary information related to enlisting and they prepare enlistment reports. They maintain statistics on recruiting programs and administrative records. They serve as liaison with high schools, colleges, and industry officials, and they participate in community activities, such as state ceremonies and fundraising drives. Navigate to Military Career Page
Military-Specific / Tactical Training Specialists
- Military-specific/tactical training specialists conduct training under conditions that closely approximate combat, such as Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) situations. They may be required to develop and conduct training related to topics such as aerospace and operational physiology, antiterrorism, weapons and tactics, or marksmanship. For example, small arms marksmanship instructors conduct training in all phases of basic marksmanship, both ashore and afloat. This training includes firearms safety, mechanical training on small arms, instructional and qualification firing, basic range operations, and reporting. Navigate to Military Career Page
Career Counseling / Retention Specialists
- Career counseling/retention specialists provide military personnel with consultation and guidance on career exploration by reviewing their interests, education, strengths, and abilities. They support the development and implementation of career information programs and they are responsible for collecting and analyzing retention and attrition data. They provide service members with guidance and motivation in maximizing their career potential, and they provide counseling to transitioning or retiring personnel. Navigate to Military Career Page
Education Administrators
- Education administrators manage personnel development programs and determine training requirements, including program design and execution. They direct the development of learning objectives and lesson plans and oversee all aspects of instructional programs from designing course content to training implementation. Navigate to Military Career Page
Equal Opportunity Managers
- An important goal of equal opportunity managers is to create an environment free of discrimination and harassment, and address allegations of improper discriminatory conduct. Equal opportunity managers implement EO policies and develop initiatives, such as training, to proactively combat discrimination. They assist in investigations of discrimination and/or sexual harassment and racial incidents. They may also conduct community relations work. Navigate to Military Career Page
Manpower Officers
- Manpower managers determine the structure, composition, position, and equipment requirements of active and reserve military forces. They determine how many and which capabilities are required to execute a mission and they manage allocation of military and civilian resources. These individuals develop and execute programs to accomplish accession planning, classification and utilization, force development, and force shaping programs. Navigate to Military Career Page
Human Resources Specialists
- Human resources specialists oversee the maintenance and processing of personnel records, including performance monitoring, training, and evaluation, as well as all human resource related actions such as military pay, transfers, leaves, disciplinary actions, and promotions. They are responsible for overseeing equal opportunity programs, assessing personnel performance, and providing training and evaluation reports. They verify personnel readiness and compliance with military policies, and they provide support to leaders by accompanying them on inspections and providing them with recommendations. They promote organizational effectiveness and performance improvement by planning and implementing training and establishing performance measures and standards. Navigate to Military Career Page
Equal Opportunity Specialists
- Equal opportunity specialists perform administrative functions, including preparation and maintenance of equal opportunity (EO) case files. They are responsible for the maintenance and analysis of pertinent data, and the development of relevant reports. They control budget operations, assess EO education program activities, counsel military personnel and civilian employees on EO policies, and provide recommendations and advice to leaders in resolving problems related to EO matters. They promote an effective organizational climate by implementing seminars, focus groups, and other techniques. Navigate to Military Career Page
Manpower Specialists
- Manpower specialists provide support on manpower, which is the composition of the force. They oversee manpower resources and manage manpower requirements. They determine how many and which capabilities are required to execute a mission, and they advise on the allocation of military and civilian resources. They support accession planning, reassignment, retraining, retirement, reenlistment, and force development programs. They operate manpower data systems, prepare relevant reports, and supervise efforts focused on continuous improvement. Navigate to Military Career Page
Office and Administrative Managers
- Office and administrative managers operate as general managers, directing functions like duty assignments, budgeting, and record keeping. They develop work methods and direct preparation of procedural manuals. Some specialize by functional area, such as facilities management and legal. Navigate to Military Career Page
Recruiting and Retention Specialists
- Recruiting and retention specialists provide prospective candidates with the appropriate information and assistance prior to and throughout the military enlistment process. They are responsible for interviewing, orienting, and screening potential candidates, and they participate in recruiting actions by attending promotional events and maintaining liaison with high schools and college officials. They plan and implement interviews with military personnel, and they provide unit leaders with feedback and guidance for improving and enhancing retention. Navigate to Military Career Page
Recruiting Managers
- Recruiting managers perform and coordinate functions involved in the selection of new recruits into the Military. They are responsible for receiving, orienting, interviewing, and processing applicants for enlistment in the Armed Forces. They liaise with educators and other officials promoting the image of the Military and supporting military personnel procurement. Navigate to Military Career Page
Business Operations Specialists
- Business operations personnel utilize business knowledge to improve military operations. These analysts use evaluative methods to recommend changes to business processes in order to minimize waste and inefficiency. They assess various aspects of operations, such as inventory procurement, accounting systems, and management techniques. They develop and present detailed operational plans to Commanders for approval and implementation. Navigate to Military Career Page
Inspectors and Evaluators
- Inspectors and evaluators review and ensure the quality of military processes and resources. They may inspect the status of equipment, facilities, vehicles, or personnel, and collect information through observation and interviews. They verify compliance with appropriate regulations and prepare reports and recommendations to communicate findings. Navigate to Military Career Page
Business Operations and Management Analysts
- Business operations and management analysts apply business expertise to improve military operations. Using a structured approach to problem solving, these analysts make recommendations to leadership about management techniques that can help reduce waste and inefficiency. They gather and analyze data to develop procedures to improve operational efficiency and manpower utilization. They also evaluate programs, personnel, and equipment through the use of exercises and simulations. Navigate to Military Career Page
Salary Information
Median Salary This is the median, or the midpoint, of the salary range for this career.
Median Military Salary Military pay may be higher based on specialty pays or bonuses. Learn more about Military benefits.
Explore this career in the MilitaryState-by-state Salary
Gray states indicate no data available
Education & Interests
Most Common Education Levels
People in this career achieve this level of education.
Bachelor's degree 73%
Master's degree 8%
Post baccalaureate 8%
Some college 4%
Post-master's certificate 4%
High school 0%
Doctoral degree 0%
Associate's degree 0%
Less than high school 0%
Post-doctoral training 0%
First professional degree 0%
Post-secondary certificate 0%
Related College Majors
Select major to see colleges that offer it
You may find this career fulfilling if you consider yourself to be:
- Enterprising — You have an interest in managing, negotiating and marketing, or leading and advising others.
- Social — You have an interest in helping, teaching, advising, assisting or providing service to others.
- Conventional — You have an interest in following procedures and regulations to organize information or data.
Not sure what characteristics best describe you? Take the RIASEC Test.
Skills at a Glance
Skills helpful in this career
- Verbal skills
- Critical thinking & problem solving
- Equipment operation & maintenance
- Math & science skills
- Technology design & control
- Leadership
- Personnel and Human Resources
- Education and Training
- Customer and Personal Service
- Administration and Management
- Administrative
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